Preschool Program



The preschool classroom gets the children ready for the transition to school. In this class, the children are taught social interaction, colors, numbers, and how to follow directions. The class schedule follows standard school day when able. The student to teacher ratio for this room is 15 to 1.

Naps and/or quiet time is encouraged after lunch time. Children are not required to sleep and may be given quiet activities.

Children are encouraged, but not forced, to eat a variety of foods. The menu is planned out at the beginning of the month and is available upon request. Parents/guardians are required to notify Kat’s Little Angels of any religious or dietary restrictions.

Child development focuses

We use the GELDS five domains to assess your child’s need for this program. Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM), Social and Emotional Development (SED), Approaches to Play and Learning (APL), Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL), Cognitive Development and General Knowledge (CD).

Physical Development and Motor Skills

The Physical Development and Motor Skills domain pertains to the way children feed themselves, scribble with crayons, paint and eventually write. Physical development is rapid in the first few years of life. Each new skill builds a child’s physical competence and ability to do things independently. This domain also includes ways children learn to take care of their physical needs and develop skills relating to health, nutrition, and safety. Signs of Physical Development competence in your preschooler are
  • Actively participates in a variety of both structured and unstructured indoor and outdoor physical activities for a sustained period of time.
  • Communicates to peers and adults when dangerous situations are observed.
  • Attends to personal health needs and self-care needs independently.
  • Distinguishes healthy food choices from less healthy food choices.
  • Refines grasp to manipulate tools and objects. ie. drawing within the lines.


Social and Emotional Development

This domain focuses on the ways children learn about themselves and how to get along with other people. As children grow, they develop a sense of “me” that is separate from the adults who care for them. Through play, youngsters learn how to relate to other children and they gain confidence in their own abilities. As children mature emotionally and socially, they gain self-control. Their emotional and social development is further enhanced when they engage in creative displays of self-expression. These signs of growth can by whether the child…

  • Remembers and follows simple group rules and displays appropriate social behavior.
  • Shows signs of security and trust when separated from familiar adults.
  • Recognizes and names the feelings of peers with adult support.
  • Engages in mutual/cooperative play.

Approaches to Play and Learning

Children approach play and learning in a variety of ways. They want to do things over and over like listening to the same story every night before bed, singing the same song many times in a row, or trying repeatedly to put a shape into a puzzle until it finally fits. They also find creative ways to solve problems like standing on a box to reach a toy, holding a block next to their ear and pretending it’s a telephone or using a stick to dig in the dirt when there are no shovels to be found. To reach their learning potential, children need adults to support them in being curious, persistent and creative learners. We’ve viewed that preschoolers who are developing well in this area tend to…

  • Initiates new tasks by him/herself.
  • Makes plans and follows through on intentions.
  • Asks questions about unfamiliar objects, people and experiences.
  • Uses imagination to create a variety of ideas, role-plays and fantasy situations.
  • Demonstrates emerging flexibility in his/her approach to play and learning.

Communication, Language and Literacy

The Communication, Language and Literacy domain involves both verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Using gestures, singing songs, repeating rhymes, listening to stories, looking at books, scribbling and drawing are some of the ways children learn language and early literacy skills. Children develop language and literacy through interactions with adults and other children, later reading success is directly correlated to the interaction of children with books through listening and responding to books read aloud and engaging in activities related to the stories. Competence in this includes…

  • Describes experiences.
  • Responds to questions with appropriate answers.
  • Listens to and imitates sounds in familiar nursery rhymes, songs and chants.
  • Experiments with a variety of writing tools, materials and surfaces.

Cognitive Development and General Knowledge

Cognitive Development addresses how children use their minds to explore the world around them. They should be encouraged to explore, investigate, observe and record changes in the environment. Activities such as noting the changes in weather, caring for plants and animals, and exploring simple machines encourage the further development of scientific thinking. They become aware of the similarities and differences among people and how each person is an important member of the community. As children learn about responsibility in the classroom community, they begin building skills needed for being a productive member of society. Children need to learn to think for themselves, make connections and use reasoning skills to solve problems. We know preschooler are developing well in this are when…

  • Demonstrates multiple uses for objects to solve problems.
  • Intentionally carries out an action with an understanding of the effect it will cause.
  • Repeats choreographed movements and begin to express creativity in movements.


To learn more about the five domains visit the GELDS website.


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Before and After School

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Great service. Never worried when Ms. Kat has our child.

July 15, 2018

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