Communication & Family Partnership
Daily Communications: Daily notes from center staff will keep you informed about your child’s activities and experiences at the center. Notes will be placed the ProCare App.
Bulletin Boards: Located throughout the center, bulletin boards provide center news, upcoming events, faculty changes, holiday closing dates, announcements, etc.
Website: Beginning January 1, 2018: Information will be available on our website, which will include center news, events, announcements, etc. We will also provide a monthly calendar that will include monthly events, and friendly reminders.
Email: We encourage you to provide an email address that you use regularly so that we may send you announcements, event invitations, newsletters and general updates.
Family Visits: Family participation is encouraged. Volunteer; come along on a field trip. Signing in is required for the safety and protection of our children.
Conferences: Parent and teacher conferences occur a year. During these conferences, we will discuss your child’s strengths, likes and dislikes, and styles of learning. We will work together to set goals for your child’s growth and development. You may request additional conferences regarding your child’s progress at any time. We encourage you to communicate any concerns.